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Security Team Reboot


Last year, long time team lead Helmut Hummel stepped down from the position of the Security Team Lead. This year brings a new workflow and a revised structure.

In September Helmut Hummel stepped down as Security Team Lead. The Board of the TYPO3 Association appointed Oliver Hader as the new Team Lead.

Contact Person for Everything Security-Related

He is now the main contact person for everything related to TYPO3 product security, as well as security issues in third-party extensions.

The main contact address to report possible security vulnerabilities to is security(at) Your report is forwarded confidentially to one of the responsible people (Core / Core Components, TER Extensions, Infrastructure). The security team manages the whole process.

Join the Security Team

The Security Team is always looking for new people with a web security focus. If you are interested in joining the Security Team and you are already familiar with common security aspects, such as OWASP and how to use its tools, get in touch with Oliver (email oliver.hader(at)

We would like to thank Helmut Hummel for his leadership of the security team since 2009. The nearly ten years of passionate contribution was only briefly interrupted, when he was release manager for TYPO3 v6.0 around 2012. We wish Helmut all the best for the future and hope he will soon find new and challenging contribution options elsewhere in our community.

Copyediting: Mathias Bolt Lesniak • Proofreading: Tony Lush

Oliver Haderimage