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Skill Verification Access for the TYPO3 Academic Committee


Academic institutions are invited to set up their organization as part of a network of institutions that can verify TYPO3 skills according to the SkillDisplay SkillSets for TYPO3 CMS.

Sign Up for a Free Educational SkillDisplay Membership

The TYPO3 Academic Committee is the interface between universities and the TYPO3 community. To improve TYPO3 education further, SkillDisplay decided to give members of the committee free access to verify skills with their company logo, as well as to create their own SkillSets from existing skills to be used in lectures or internal training.

About the TYPO3 Academic Committee

The focus of the TYPO3 Academic Committee lays on representing universities’ interests in the TYPO3 Association, providing Academic Memberships for universities, research institutions and colleges, and also contributing to the further development of TYPO3 by cooperating with the TYPO3 Association and the TYPO3 Core Team. SkillDisplay wants to support the committee, as they are alongside the TYPO3 Education Committee improving education in the TYPO3 section.

TYPO3 University Days

The TYPO3 University Days are a great opportunity for both the TYPO3 community and academic institutions. Talks cover topics like the Publications extension for TYPO3, creating better website content with TYPO3, or TYPO3 skill management at educational institutions. 

In addition, Mainzific Rim was developed in the course of T3UD18 to create a gamification resource for TYPO3 Editor skills. The adventure (PDF) and resources (.zip archive 7.1 MB) are publicly available.

Apply for the Free Verification Membership

All interested educational institutions which are part of the TYPO3 Academic Committee can reach out to us for a free setup for their institution on the SkillDisplay platform. Skills from e.g. the Mainzific Rim or TCCE v9 SkillSet can then be verified as an educational institution. Contact SkillDisplay (office(at) for your free verification account or get in touch for the paid version—SkillDisplay as a Service—to create your own skills.

Photo: Markus Klein of Reelworximage