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Status Update: the TYPO3 Guidebook


It takes a long time to write a book! The team at OSP are busy writing away and although you may not have heard from us in a while, we have been working hard in the background.

Visit the TYPO3 Book website to find out how you can get in touch. 

We’ve Booked Our Publisher: Apress!

Apress is a great fit for the first book about TYPO3 CMS in English in a long while. Our book will sit in their library alongside other books about open source and web development

We’re very proud to have developed a unique contract with Apress, which allows us to work transparently with community contribution and contribute all revenue back to the TYPO3 Association.

Meet the Team

Late last year we said a fond farewell to Elli Ludwigson, who has moved on to a new role with DDEV (makers of DDEV-Local, TYPO3 contributors, and sponsors). Elli conducted interviews with members of the TYPO3 community and did much of the leg work in getting the book off the ground. Thank you so much, Elli, for all your hard work.

We said a big hello and welcome to writer Felicity Brand, who joined the TYPO3 Book team in September 2019. Felicity is based in Melbourne, joining Michael Schams as the newest member of the Australian TYPO3 community. Felicity has already reached out to several community members who have generously shared their expertise and experience.

Heather McNamee is continuing in her role and working as a community liaison.

Jeffrey A. "jam" McGuire is our Senior Editor and publisher liaison with Apress.

We are very pleased to be working with two long-term TYPO3 community members and contributors as the official technical reviewers: Jo Hasenau and Kay Strobach. They will be reading and reviewing all of the chapters and guides we produce, providing Apress with a technical sanity check of it all. 

Voker Neuenhaus and Frank Schubert, members of the TYPO3 community Design Team, are now on board to help us! With them, we are in discussions with Apress about how we can influence the look and feel of a book like this in the digital-first age of publishing. The primary goals are to make the book as clear and informative as possible, supporting our mission to spread the word about the TYPO3 Project and encourage adoption around the world. 

Where We are Now

We have submitted most of three draft chapters and one practical guide to Apress—getting close to 200 pages. We’re continuing to submit further chapter content to Apress on a regular schedule.

Heather attended the February 2020 TYPO3 Design Sprint in Düsseldorf where she got to interview key members of the TYPO3 community Design Team

We’re excited to interpret their input into the chapter on design and planning TYPO3 sites, and sharing this knowledge with newcomers. Their input will help new TYPO3 adopters create great websites.

A major section of the book is comprised of practical how-to guides, and this is where we are starting to focus our efforts. We are also pushing up our sleeves to tackle the hardest part—describing some of the more technical aspects of TYPO3 like Typoscript, ExtBase, and Fluid.

Key Dates

Our estimated completion deadline is July 2020.

We’re aiming for a publish date in Autumn 2020.

We’re an Open Book!

Thank you very much for your support and input so far. Your feedback and input mean we can ensure the book will be technically accurate, relevant for newcomers, and reflect the current practices in the TYPO3 community. If you’d like to get involved, please do contact us.

Here are some ways you can get news about our progress. 
